Monday, October 10, 2011

"When is the Expander quiz Mrs. Bailey?" Taylor inquired. "Thursday, 10/20." Mrs. Bailey replied.

This week will find us studying the Why Expander, and diagramming the different parts of speech with manipulatives.  The kids LOVE working with the square 'foamies' and diagramming sentences hands on with the Project Read (Written Expression) series.  I hope to get some pictures of the kids working with these manipulatives posted before my next blog, but don't hold me to it... I'm barely techno savvy enough to post this blog from week to week. Ha! :)

In Spelling we started Unit 7, looking at the Long /o/ and its different spelling patterns: -o, -oa, -ow.  Also, in grammar this week we will be exploring the rules of quotation marks, and how they are used in good writing.  If you visit our classroom this week, you'll be surprised to see us actually quiet.  We will dialogue with each other on paper only.  The kids will 'speak' to each other, without verbally saying anything.  They will be asked to use dialogue tags to help express what they are trying to say and HOW they are trying to say it without speech.  Tricky enough for grownups, I know, but this activity will raise the level of thinking for my students.  I can't wait to see what they come up with!

Looking Ahead:

Next week we will be taking a quiz over the four (4) expanders.  Your student will need to know the names of the four expanders: Where, How, When, and Why.  As well, they will need to have all 'starter words' for each expander memorized. There will be NO word bank available on the quiz, so studying is a must if your child expects to pass.  We will be making a study review to help with memorization next Monday, 10/ 17 please be on the lookout for this review which will be glued into the Writing Composition book on page 32.  Review a little bit each night!!

**We have resumed our nightly journaling, after taking last week off.  Please remind your child to date each entry in their journal.  Grading becomes a nightmare when one entry runs right into the next entry.  As I explained to the kids, if I can't tell where one entry ends and the other begins, points will be taken off for that week, so stay organized!


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